Your Friday Golf Culture Round Up

Interview with Jeremy Wilson from Paired Up Golf, 4m views, best sunglasses and more

Read time: 2 mins

This week, Initial Golf hit over 4 MILLION VIEWS across our social and website content! This is Amazing and we thank you all so much for your support so far!

We're on a mission to make the Initial Golf community the most active on the internet and deliver the best in class when it comes to Golf. Culture. Fashion. News.

As you know by now, The Friday email will be covering the most popular posts across our website and social channels for the week. This week's highlights:

Paired Up Golf: The Heartwarming Story Of Random Golf Pairings - Including Interview With Jeremy Wilson

...and more

And of course Gimme Links - Links into the unknown world of Golf (you'll find yours at the bottom of this email)

This week, you'll want to check out these popular posts:

Links to an unknown world of Golf